1:1 Coaching Services
15-minute consultation | FREE
Learn more about what Nutrition Undefined LLC offers through their online nutrition coaching services. This is a great time to ask all your questions about how coaching works. We primarily coach women who want to lose weight, create a healthy lifestyle, and foster a healthy relationship with food without gimmicks or fad diets. Sign up for a free consultation to see if your goals align with what we offer.
Initial Nutrition Coaching Appointment | 45 Minutes
A get-to-know you session where you will discuss the following with your registered dietitian:
Your health and nutrition history
Your health and nutrition goals
Your barriers to reaching those goals
Your typical eating and exercise routine
Your expectations from nutrition coaching.
What resources, tools, accountability, and support you need to be successful
Take this time to ask questions you have related to nutrition, weight loss, exercise, etc. The registered dietitian is happy to provide guidance, nutritional education, resources, and recipes that are appropriate to each client. If you have a question or need additional support on a topic, just ask! Near the end of your session, you will collaborate with your dietitian to create small goals or action steps to work on. Your dietitian will help you design these to align with your long-term goals. If you choose to follow-up, your dietitian will help you build upon those goals weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.
Optional: Have your individualized nutrient needs estimated by a registered dietitian nutritionist. This includes calories, macronutrients, saturated fat, and added sugars. These are individualized to your height, weight, age, physical activity level, and goals.
Follow-up Nutrition Coaching Session | 30 Minutes
Discuss your progress towards your long-term goals with your registered dietitian. Ask any questions that have come up since your last session. Did you run into challenges meeting your short-term goals or action steps? Use this time to troubleshoot, brainstorm, and come up with solutions with the help of your dietitian. With follow-up sessions, your dietitian can monitor your progress, make suggestions, and ensure you are headed in the right direction.
Follow-up sessions can be booked with the help of your registered dietitian after your initial appointment.